As summer fades and fall approaches, it’s time to shift gears from days spent at the lake to prepping your lawn for winter. Fall is a crucial period for lawn care, especially for those of [...]
Homeowners take pride in their lush, green lawns, but insects can quickly turn that pride into frustration. From tiny ants to voracious beetles and grubs, insects can cause significant damage to [...]
Mosquito Control in Minnesota: Strategies and Tips for Enjoying the Outdoors Summertime in Minnesota is home to sparkling lakes, lush forests, and vibrant wildlife – including our state [...]
Minnesota enjoyed an unseasonably warm and mostly dry winter, but now that spring is here, many of us are realizing that our lawns weren’t as happy as we were with the warmer temps. Without the [...]
Get ready for spring! As the weather warms up, crabgrass will start to grow and invade your lawn. Wondering how to keep your lawn free of this pesky weed? Check out our tips to get rid of [...]
If you live in or near the Twin Cities of Minnesota, it is a sure bet that you enjoy the outdoors or spending time in your yard come summertime! It is also a sure bet that you think about how to [...]
If you are tired of pesky mosquitoes and want to be able to spend time outside this summer in Minnesota without worrying about mosquitoes bites, consider these methods of getting rid of [...]
Minnesota winters tend to leave our lawns in need of a serious spa day. Believe it or not… this snow will melt and may leave your lawn with patches of mold, thatch, and dead grass. Fear [...]
Springtime in Minnesota usually leads to a busy schedule, whether it is spring sports, more time outside or simply enjoying time with friends. But if that busy schedule has caused you to neglect [...]
Too much rock salt (Sodium Chloride) will kill or injure the grass and other plants you just had the professional landscapers make look so pretty. The sodium in rock salt blocks a plant’s uptake [...]