Winter Lawn Problems: How to Prevent and Fix Them
Winter is here! While your grass is dormant under the snow, there are a number of winter lawn problems that can damage your yard. Understanding these issues and knowing how to prevent or fix them can help your lawn bounce back healthy in the spring. Northern Roots is here to talk about some of the […]
More Than Lawn Care – Northern Roots Takes Care of You All Year Long!
During winter in Minnesota, yards are often covered with mountains of snow, and lawn mowers and weed-whackers are replaced with snowblowers and shovels. Did you know that Northern Roots can take care of snow and ice removal too? We offer reliable, efficient services for commercial, HOA, and residential properties. Our goal is to ensure your […]
The Importance of Fall Lawn Fertilization: Preparing Your Yard for Winter and Beyond
As the days grow shorter and the temperatures cool, many homeowners focus on preparing their lawns for the winter months. While spring is often regarded as the prime time for lawn care, fall fertilization is crucial in establishing a healthy, resilient lawn for the following year. Today, Northern Roots is discussing why lawn fertilization is […]
Fall Lawn Prep: Overseeding
Last month, the lawn experts at Northern Roots Lawn Care talked about how aeration is beneficial for fall lawn prep. This month, we will discuss overseeding as another step to take this fall to make sure your lawn looks fabulous come springtime! If your lawn is looking patchy or bare, lawn overseeding can help get […]
Fall Lawn Prep: Aeration
As summer fades and fall approaches, it’s time to shift gears from days spent at the lake to prepping your lawn for winter. Fall is a crucial period for lawn care, especially for those of us who want to keep our yards lush and healthy. One of the most important tasks you can tackle in […]
The Essential Guide to Grub and Insect Control
Homeowners take pride in their lush, green lawns, but insects can quickly turn that pride into frustration. From tiny ants to voracious beetles and grubs, insects can cause significant damage to your lawn, leading to brown patches, wilting, and even dead grass. Understanding how to manage and control these pests is crucial for maintaining a […]
Mosquito Control in Minnesota: Strategies and Tips for Enjoying the Outdoors
Mosquito Control in Minnesota: Strategies and Tips for Enjoying the Outdoors Summertime in Minnesota is home to sparkling lakes, lush forests, and vibrant wildlife – including our state bird, the loon. If you’re from around here, you know that the running joke is that our state bird isn’t actually the loon or even a bird […]
Fertilizer 101: A Guide to Green Grass
The sun is shining, the snow is melting, the birds are chirping and your lawn is… brown. We all know that owning a lawn requires a certain degree of upkeep, and that winter doesn’t help the cause. When your regular mowing and watering routine doesn’t do it, what are you going to turn to? Lawn […]
Spring Lawn Issues in Minnesota
Minnesota winters tend to leave our lawns in need of a serious spa day. Believe it or not… this snow will melt and may leave your lawn with patches of mold, thatch, and dead grass. Fear not, most of these issues are purely cosmetic and will go back to a lush lawn with a little […]
How sidewalk salt affects lawns and gardens
Too much rock salt (Sodium Chloride) will kill or injure the grass and other plants you just had the professional landscapers make look so pretty. The sodium in rock salt blocks a plant’s uptake of key minerals. The chloride in rock salt will essentially starve a plant, disrupting photosynthesis which is how a plant turns light […]